"Dawn of Genesis", acrylic on gesso board, Bishop Maxim, 2024

"Dawn of Genesis", acrylic on gesso board, Bishop Maxim, 2024

The artwork titled “The Dawn of Genesis” employs a distinctive iconographic technique, where the creative process begins with a dark canvas. Shadows are meticulously layered onto this canvas, followed by gradual applications of light, crafting the subject from the depths of darkness. This method symbolically mirrors the biblical account of creation, suggesting that the figure—presumably first created human being—is sculpted from the void, brought into existence by divine light. The title itself evokes the moment of creation, where man emerges from nonexistence, embodying the first dawn of creation. The narrative captured within the painting subtly conveys man’s initial encounter with the divine; his creation by God is marked by an inaugural vision, possibly of God Himself. This profound moment is reflected in man’s expression, particularly in his eyes, which are rendered to convey a sense of awe or surprise at this revelation. Thus, the painting not only depicts the physical emergence of man from nothingness but also captures the spiritual awakening of the first human as he beholds something—or someone—beyond himself for the very first time.